Sunday, April 3, 2011


What are your most treasured values that you live your life by?  This question has stuck by me the past few days.  I'm taking an ethics class for school and this week that was our discussion topic.  They asked us to list the values that we take pride in having and those we wish to have.  I thought it was such a thought provoking assignment, and wanted to share what i posted...

Have and to follow only one God- My faith as a Christian creates the basis of my value system.  So my number one value is to follow and worship only one God.

Honesty- being honest is something that not only is faith based but how I choose to live my life.  Honesty makes a good person, one who is trustworthy, because no matter what I will strive to tell the truth in all situations

Forgiving- I am called to forgive others no matter what they have done to me.  I want to always be able to forgive someone and give them another chance to gain my respect and trust with them.

Being an example-  because I am a mother I want my life to lead by example to my son.  I want him to see me and my husband make the right choice in easy times and in hard times and one powerful way we choose to do this is leading by example.
As I started reading other people’s post and really reflecting on what my values are, I thought of a verse in the bible that names off the “fruit of the spirit”  Because I am a Christian these are the fundamentals of who I want to be and the how I want to live my life. 
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22)

What are your values?

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