Sadly blogging has taken a backseat to life recently so hopefully as things settle and we get back into a routine i can start posting our life events again.
Baby girl Switzer is doing well, measuring on the small side so they are keeping an extra keen eye on her, but still doing well. I've always said we weren't meant to produce big kids, so God's peace is with us and after all we've been through with Aiden I know what to look for as warnings signs when she arrives. Right now I'm spending the days enjoying feeling her moving around, the hugs and kisses to my belly from her big brother and feeling good all together. We are officially 24 weeks down with 16 short weeks to go. This week she measures out at about the size of an ear of corn, how fitting for this fall season!

Aiden spends his days looking at all the trucks, buses, trains and planes that are all around. I love watching him as he grows up before my eyes each day into more of a boy than a baby. It's sad on one hand but just makes me more of a proud momma on the other. He goes for his 2 year well child visit today, so we pray for big scale tipping numbers and a good bill of health for the year!
Well that's all for now, I hope to update more often of all our fun filled fall adventures to come so stay tuned!
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