Sunday, June 17, 2012

To The Father's in My Life

Today is fathers day and I've been blessed to be able to celebrate it with 2 wonderful men as fathers in my life.

To my own dad, who's been such a steady rock in my life, there to help me grow up, learn the values of life, to cry with, laugh with and share so much I'll keep with me forever!  While he hasn't been perfect he's been the best dad i could ask for and I'm so lucky that God choose him to be my father.  As I've grow older, had my own kids it has been amazing to see him become an amazing grandpa or "bumpa" as we all so loving call him. 

So to a wonderful father, and the best bumpa i know...Happy Father's Day!

To my best friend, husband and father of my children I'm so grateful. i loved to watch you make moment you treasure with our kids, for the seen and unseen i know it impacts them.   Thank you for being an awesome role model to our son and an example of true love to our daughter.  I'm so glad that Aiden and Melina have you as their dad!

Happy Fathers Day!!

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